Ukrposhta gaat postzegel uitgeven met brandende brug - Postzegelblog

Ukrposhta gaat postzegel uitgeven met brandende brug


Hedenmorgen is door een bomaanslag brand uitgebroken op de Kerch brug, die de Krim met het Russische vasteland verbindt. De Ukraïnse post was er als de kippen bij om een nieuwe postzegeluitgifte aan te kondigen.

De directeur van Ukrposthta, Ihor Smilianskyi, kondigde vanmorgen aan dat Ukraïne een postzegel zal uitgeven met de brandende brug erop afgebeeld. Verdere details en uitgiftedatum worden later bekend gemaakt.

In 2018 heeft Rusland een postzegel uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van de opening van de brug.

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    • Jan Prygoda op 8 oktober 2022 om 13:24

      Plaatje is er al – uitgiftedatum begin november. Staat op Facebook en er is ook een nogal speciaal persbericht

      Google TYranslate Engels Ukrposhta will issue a postage stamp with the destroyed Crimean bridge: it will be possible to get it in the first half of November.
      Following the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which were the first to congratulate Putin on his 70th birthday by presenting him with a fire show on the Crimean Bridge, Ukrposhta announced its gift to the head of the terrorist state.
      The postal operator announced the release of the “Crimean bridge encore!” postage stamp.
      Since millions of experts, diplomats, politicians and ordinary people from all over the world are focused on the theater of war in Ukraine, and not all of them understand the sacred significance of the Crimean bridge for Russia and the importance of its damage for the course of the Ukrainian-Russian war, it was decided to use a scene from a famous movie. In the same way that the myth of the unsinkability of the steamship spread, so Russia built the myth that the Crimean bridge is a symbol of the eternal connection of the Ukrainian Crimea with Russia.
      Circulation of stamps – 7 million copies. The nominal value of the stamp M (for bridge), which is equal to the cost of UAH 18 per stamp or UAH 126 per sheet of 7 stamps. A “First Day” envelope, an unmarked artistic envelope and a card will be issued for the stamp. In addition to the main plot, the stamp contains several interesting details and hints:
      a cigarette butt in the hands of the heroine, as evidence that recently the occupiers suffer a lot from smoking in prohibited places, the passenger car of the occupiers, which went into the abyss, losing looted washing machines and other goods, Bayraktar, which “accidentally” flew over the bridge, broken an enemy tank, which was transported to the front by the occupiers as part of a convoy.
      Details regarding the release date of the brand and the terms of sale will be made public later.
      The author of the issue, Yuriy Shapoval, is a Ukrainian artist-painter, works in the technique of painting, graphics and installation. He graduated from Poltava National Technical University named after Yury Kondratyuk. Participant of all-Ukrainian and international exhibitions and plein airs.
      The Crimean bridge, which connects the temporarily occupied Crimean peninsula with Russia, is an illegal construction that was actively used by the occupiers to reinforce their army as part of the full-scale war started by Russia on February 24, 2022.

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